How to Paint a Cactus

Learn how to paint a cactus like this unproblematic version, and so turn it into a lovely watercolor resist painting. Older students may accept fun calculation shadows.

simple cactus drawing


  • Draw a Cactus PDF Tutorial
  • Watercolor paper
  • Black Sharpie marker
  • Crayons
  • Liquid watercolor paint


Time needed:1 hour.

How to Draw a Cactus

  1. Describe the pot rim.

  2. Add angled sides beneath.

  3. Draw large, wobbly circumvolve to the left.

  4. Add two medium circles to balance.

  5. Add together 2 smaller circles for more rest.

  6. Draw flowers at the top.

  7. Trace with permanent black marker.

  8. Depict lots of needles with white crayon (shown in gray).

  9. Paint with watercolor. Add together more than paint for shadows.

To learn how to describe a cactus and have its lines stay in identify while you color, try working with white gum on blackness paper, and chalk pastels.

draw a cactus

Each media will practise what it does best, namely make black lines (when the glue dries, and soft shadows, when the colors are composite with your fingers.


  • Black construction paper, nine″ x 12″ or larger
  • Glue, this i dries articulate, not cloudy*
  • Chalk pastels
  • Spray sealer (optional)

*The above production link is a referral. If you click through and take action, I'll be compensated a small amount, just at no additional cost to you.


  1. I used ix″ x 12″ black newspaper, just recommend something larger for 1st or 2d grade students. I had to really be careful to keep my glue lines from touching each other, so a larger format would brand it a lot easier.
  2. Afterwards cartoon the cactus in pencil, trace all the lines with white glue. Important: Permit dry out flat or else the gum will run and brand messy lines.
  3. When dry, employ chalk pastel pencils to fill in the cactus. I decided that the light source was from the left, so I used a light greenish on all three left sides of the cactus, and a dark green on the right. I also had a medium green to fill in the middle, but y'all could just used 2 colors that meet in the middle.
  4. Fill up in the sky, ground and rocks with single shades. To finish, a little white pencil made highlights on the cactus, and a little blackness made a ground shadow for it and some rocks. Spray with a sealer or hairspray when complete.